PHONE: (916)390-0511

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Overwhelmed with Gratitude

I'm using (stealing) my dear friend Sandee's format for her blog.  Her blog is In the Hills of North Carolina. She has become a wonderful friend and a HUGE supporter thoughout this journey. Thank you Sandee!

Definition of GRATITUDE

: the state of being grateful : thankfulness
I am so grateful to everyone who came out to support me on March 16th! We had a great day and I met so many friendly peeps. I hope you all enjoyed the make n' takes. I totally bought way too much salt water taffy sooooo.... We'll have a candy dish in the studio for months.
Again, No pictures, No announcements, No classes, Just Plain THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
Truth and Trust!


Kay Wallace said...

I have been a cheerleader for your store, but from a distance (Boston)! Good luck, Kim!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lazy Cowgirl. Heard about your opening in the Auburn Journal and went by the shop. I would love to talk with you, but I can't find a phone # listed. I am mixed-media, counselor and creative life-coach and would love to entertain some possiblities with you. Nancy 530-887-1326

Kim said...

Kay! I so appreciate your support!!! No matter how far away. And Nancy, the store's # is (916)390-0511. I will try to give you a call but feel free to call me. I've been so swamped.