On this Memorial Day, I’m sharing a project I was ask to make for a friend. Those of you who know me, know I love, love, love pin ups girls. So when I was asked to create a box with a Navy theme, I knew exactly where I was going! J I’m always collecting military memorabilia because I am truly patriotic and believe so much in our country and supporting our men and women who serve. I thank those who fought and perished to give me freedom to pursue MY dreams and keep MY family safe. We have a wonderful country because of their sacrifices.
I wanted this box to be a little vintage and worn because all
the art work I used came from my collection of vintage articles and pictures. I collected articles from an 1942 McCalls
Magazine and a Naval Affairs Newsletter. I totally fell in love with some of
the pictures. Various pins from the Navy
that were given to me by the box’s owner. In my mind, I wanted this box to look like someone found it years later in an old dusty attic, so it's a little tattered looking.
It's displayed here with all the other memories the owner had.
In my art creations, I think I like making these altered boxes best. I need to get back to making more.
It was such a pleasure to give this box to that Navy Man. If you see a service man today, Don't forget to thank him for your freedom. Have a safe holiday everyone.