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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Failure is Not an Option

Hi Crafty Peeps…. I’m finally back from my trip to the Craft and Hobby Association Winter Trade Show. Holy COW!!!!! It was overwhelming but so productive. I have so much to share with you that I’ll take a few posts to get through.
There is absolutely no doubt, I went with the best people to navigate this show and I appreciate you all so very much. Janet and Veronica introduced me to so many vendors and designers….. They know EVERYONE. We went to dinner in Downtown Disney to a great Italian place. Who joined us???? Yep Teresa Collins and her girls. Super nice family and Teresa was so nice at advice for my store..... What she kept saying to me was "Failure is not an option, You can do this"! Good Advice and I really had to hold onto that because.....
My last day at the show, I woke up and checked my emails and received a crappy email from the owners of the new building I was all set to rent from. Let me tell you, the wind in my sails deflated! They informed me that someone else was willing to sign a three year lease (mine was for one) and they would be going with them instead. Although I “get it”, I thought an email was NOT the way to handle business. Maybe it was for the best but it still deflated me all the same.
After a little pity party (Thanks Veronica and Janet for the hugs) and a phone call to my friend back home, I put my big girl panties on and the day I got back, I started hitting the pavement. I found this spot! It is not the best exposure BUT, it's $300 a month cheaper and the same size. The property management group seems really positive and I'm going to try and meet with them on Tuesday and sign before anything or anyone gets in my way. I have to go back to the thoughts that Failure is not an option. Hell, I've been tossed off horses. That hurts a lot more and it's really scary to get back on, but I've done it! Of course I sold the horse too.  :) I'm sticking my tongue out and raising a finger at those other owners. I will not fail!
Happy Trails Friends!